Habitat Conservation Committee

Type of Committee: SPECIAL / STANDING


To conserve and enhance all life stage habitats essential (rivers and lakes) for sustainable lake sturgeon populations within the watershed.


Establish crucial habitat for the long term sustainability of lake sturgeon stocks with emphasis on habitat restoration and enhancement for all life stages.


  • To facilitate and fund, in conjunction with habitat partners, the implementation of assessments, restoration, enhancement, and monitoring of sturgeon habitats for all life stages.
  • Develop a strategy to increase the potential to quantify natural recruitment.
  • Identify and remedy obstacles that may be inhibiting natural reproduction.
  • Stabilize streambanks where erosion is compromising the integrity of habitat.
  • Collaborate with FERC and Tower-Kleber Limited Partnership to maintain run-of-river mode.
  • Use telemetry to identify ideal habitats for each stage of development.
  • Continue participation in the interagency group developing lake sturgeon fishways.

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